TURKISH JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 1989 , Vol 4 , Num 1 - 3
A.Ü.İbn-i Sina Hast. Hematoloji BD We evaluated the chemotherapy results of 61 previously treated patients with recurrent and advanced head and neck cancer. We administered Cisplatinum + 5-Fluorouracil (C-5 FU) to 36 patients and Cisplatinum-Bleomycine-Methotrexate (C-B-M) to 25 patients. The overall response rates of the C-5 FU and C-B-M groups were 25,0 % (complete remission -CR,2,7 %, partial remission-PR- 22,2 %) and 28,0 % (CR 8,0 %, PR 20,0 %), respectively. There wasn't significant difference between the response rates of two groups. The combination of C-FU should be preferred to C-B-M in patients whose lung functions are abnormal. On the otherhand, the combination of C-B-M can be applied at outpatient clinics under some special circumstances. Keywords :