2024 , Vol 39 , Num Supplementum 1
Guide for Quality Control and Assurance Tests in Mr-Linac Units
1Hisar Intercontinental Hospital, Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği, İstanbul-Türkiye2Acıbadem Altunizade Hastanesi, Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği, İstanbul-Türkiye
3Acıbadem Maslak Hastanesi, Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği, İstanbul-Türkiye
4Medicana Ataşehir Hastanesi, Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği, İstanbul-Türkiye
5Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Biyomedikal Teknolojiler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (BİYOTAM), Sakarya-Türkiye
6Liv Hospital Ulus, Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği, İstanbul-Türkiye
7Anadolu Sağlık Merkezi, Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kliniği, Kocaeli-Türkiye DOI : 10.5505/tjo.2024.005 The purpose of MFDGG005 is to produce a national report detailing the quality control tests for the ViewRay MR-Linac and Elekta Unity MR-Linac systems. MR-Linac systems combine magnetic resonance imaging with linear accelerator technology for radiotherapy treatments. The guide describes the tests and procedures required to ensure the safe and effective operation of the devices. Although the quality control procedures are similar to conventional linacs, there will be changes in the quality control tests and phantoms used due to the fact that MR is always active. This report is a report prepared based on the experience of users in this task group, based on international guidelines for safety, mechanical, dosimetric and MR imaging tests of the most commonly used 1.5T Elekta Unity and 0.35T MRIdian Viewray devices on the market. The purpose of each test, the methods and equipment used, tolerance ranges and action levels are presented. As users gain experience, they can create their own phantoms and determine the frequency of their own tests. These comprehensive quality assurance programs will ensure the safe and effective operation of MR-Linac systems in radiotherapy. Keywords : Dosimetry; safety tests; quality control; magnetic resonance imaging; MR-linac