2013 , Vol 28 , Num 4
Renal cell carcinoma presenting with cutaneous metastasis: case report
1Departments of Medical Oncology, Dicle Univercity Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakir2Departments of Pathology, Dicle Univercity Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakir Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) skin metastasis is quite rare, seen in the rate of 1-3.3%. We present here a RCC case that thrives skin metastasis after 5 years of diagnosis. A 57-year-old male patient was diagnosed as RCC 5 years ago and left nephrectomy was made. In the patient without metastasis at the diagnosis, metastasis developed 1 year after the diagnosis. The patient underwent palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. During follow-up of the patient, a large number of new emerging, purple red style nodular skin lesions were seen on the face and scalp. After the biopsy made from nodules, it was evaluated as skin metastasis of RCC. One month later that skin metastasis developed, the patient died. As a result, the skin metastasis of RCC is extremely rare, and indicator of poor prognosis. Keywords : Cutaneous metastasis; renal cell carcinoma